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Previous: 3. JANUS 64-bit versus Up: 3. JANUS 64-bit versus Next: 4. Overflow and Timeout

1. Parallel Algorithm:

Because we present the results here as JANUS 64-bit versus the other three, we have a similarity to the previous sections: the equivalent performance between the parallel algorithm, denoted PA[*], and JANUS using sampled databases and filtered databases.

Table 5: PerfectClub: Global execution times compared to the parallel algorithm PA, 64-bit
Sampled 1/1 22/1 46/1 404/1
Filtered 1/1 15/1 32/1 520/1

6_tab:PerfectClub_satisfiability_summary_execution_times summarizes the comparison of global execution times for satisfiability test, 64-bit. We remark that JANUS 64-bit outruns the other three and its performance is equivalent to the parallel algorithm PA. Now we study the problem of exceptions in the next section.

Nguyen Que Duong