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Previous: 2. Partial Factorization versus Up: 7. Results for Convex Next: 4. Arithmetic Precision: 64-bit

3. Overflow and Timeout Exceptions: 64-bit

The numbers of exceptions presented in 6_tab:SPEC95_convex_hull_exception come from C3C64, C3P64 and PK64's executions on SPEC95 convex hull database. We can clearly see that there are too many timeout exceptions from New POLKA, and that the partial factorization not only improves the execution time but also reduces (in this case eliminates) the overflow exceptions from POLYLIB's original implementation of Chernikova algorithm. We obtained similar results from PerfectClub's $19683$ tests.

Table 22: SPEC95: Numbers of exceptions in full database
timeout = 2 minutes #overflows #timeouts #operations
C3C64-bit 0 0 24151
C3P64-bit 512 0 24151
PK64-bit 0 1270 24151

Nguyen Que Duong