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2. Overflow and Timeout Exceptions: 64-bit

In this section, we compare the numbers of exceptions: overflow exceptions, raised when appears a number which is too large for computation, and timeout exceptions, when the execution time of a test is longer than two minutes, which is arbitrarily considered not acceptable.

Table 16: PerfectClub: Numbers of exceptions in sampled database
timeout = 2 minutes #overflows #timeouts #operations
P64 0 0 1789
PDD64 19 15 1789

6_tab:PerfectClub_projection_exception_100 shows the numbers of exceptions for P64 and PDD64, and the number of all tests in PerfectClub projection sampled database. P64 is more robust than PDD64, because it has no overflow nor timeout, whereas PDD has $19$ overflows and $15$ timeout exceptions that may block our analysis. For the SPEC95 projection sampled database with $2583$ tests, we however do not have any exception.

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Nguyen Que Duong